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My Story

I am the product of Jesse Parker McLaurin & Myrler Louise Kimsey. My parents have been dead for over 40 years & I still miss them terribly. I have 2 brothers & 2 sisters.


I was lucky enough growing up that as a quiet child, I was allowed to stay around the adults & hear their conversations. I guess this is why I have always had an interest in my family history. The time has come for me to fill in the blanks, verify what I have & pass this information on to the younger generation.


McLaurin & Johnson

My father's father was a McLaurin from Laurinburg North Carolina. I thought I knew a lot about this side of the family but oh was I wrong! I am learning so much about my grandparents & the McLaurin clan itself. It's truly amazing how quickly history can be lost within a family.


My father's mother was a Johnson, which I only found out about in the past few years. I don't know much about my paternal grandmother's family yet & I hope that with a name like Johnson I can find information on the right branch of the tree. This will probably prove to be very tricky!


Kimsey & Sego

My mother's father was a Kimsey from Georgia. It is proving to be difficult to go back even 3 generations in this family. There were several courthouse fires that have made research difficult.


My mother's mother was a Seago/Sego & I have made progress on her side. This part of the family has produced the most unexpected & interesting line. I'm quite excited about what I have found & hope to verify it as best I can.


Please take a look at the portion of my family tree that interests you. If you have information that pertains to my family, please share. If you have questions I'll answer as best I can. Please, please let me know if you have any comments, corrections or thoughts. I am beginning my journey & welcome all feedback.

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